Over the years we have been continually working to improve the production and logistic processes. These changes have interested also the packaging, improvements that have brought about the identification of four packaging types called CC, CCI, OX and OXI. They are diverse one from the other because of the presence or not of protective layers between the profiles or of crepe paper.

Using this system of categorisation we are able to find the best way to pack an article, depending on its shape, the dimensions and the finishing; The packaging is personalised in such a way that the material can undergo also long journeys without affecting the quality of the goods, a quality certified and guaranteed at the moment of shipment..

Packaging CC

imballo CC alluminio sammarinese
The packaging is prepared in “layers” of more profiles, without protective paper between each piece, but with each layer being wrapped in crepe paper. This type of packaging offers the big advantage of easy handling. This type of packaging offers the big advantage of easy handling.

Packaging CCI

imballo cci alluminio sammarinese
This packaging is always done in layers of more profiles, but with protective paper between the pieces and each layer wrapped in crepe paper. This type of packaging offers very high protection to the profiles surfaces.

Packaging OX

imballo ox alluminio sammarinese
The packaging is prepared in layers of more profiles, without protective paper between the pieces and without wrapping each layer in crepe paper. This pack has very good rigidity for transportation, but offers little protection.

Packaging OXI

imballo oxi alluminio sammarinese
This type of packaging is done by inserting protective paper between the pieces, offering good rigidity and protection of the profiles.
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